Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Eddie Izzard: Definite Article

Recorded on Dec. 16, 1995, during the last night of his sold-out 12-week run at London's Shaftsbury Theatre, Eddie Izzard's Definite Article show demonstrates the sometimes-controversial comedian's unique talent for improvisation, as well as his wry wit and humor. Izzard covers such topics as the Crusades, mad European cows, sharks, the Death Star canteen and more.

I'm a pretty big Izzard fan. His mannerisms are unique, and his Brit based comedy certainly is different and refreshing. However this stage show wasn't one of my favorites. Being nearly 12 years old I'm gonna caulk it up to growing pains. Not sure how long he did stand up prior to this show, but looking and reviewing most of his more recent material, this doens't stand out.