Monday, March 05, 2007

Friends of God: A Road Trip With Alexandra Pelosi

HBO Documentary: The estimated 50 to 80 million evangelical Christians living in America today have become a formidable force in our culture and democracy. But the evangelical movement is a big tent. To try and get a better understanding of the range and diversity of this community, intrepid filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi hit the road to meet some evangelicals and learn about what their influence may mean for the future of the country.

My Take: Liberals, Moderates, Free Thinkers, and those who tolerate others and their points of view. We are now under attack. The message of God via Jesus wasn't tolerance and love, it was to BASH the unbelivers. The behemoth Job cites in the bible is a dinosaur....Yes, contrary to years of scientific evidence and overwhelming data, we as human kind DID share the earth with dinosaurs. Dinosaurs existed. Humans exist. The earth is only about 6000 years old (acording to evangelicals) therefore we rode, ate and cohabitated with nasty gay dinosaurs! (I don't know if dinosaurs were gay, but it seems like they could be.) If this documentary doesn't scare the hell out of you, nothing will.

He he. I did like the fact that they added to the documentary in a foot note that Ted Haggard the president and Evangelical leader/spokesperson takes it in the poop chute for dollars. Hang on. Does he pay to get or pay to deliver? Good Lord the allmighty, I have no idea. Perhaps in Pastor Ted's meth induced state, neither does he?

Technically old Teddy, didn't acutally ADMIT to gay sex. He bought the meth and then threw it away. However, his "lover" says they met nearly every month for more than 3 years.

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